As a parent of a Pacific Grove High School senior, I’d like to thank all the volunteer parents who came together to make this year memorable for the Class of 2021. From door-step spirit drops to drive-in movies, our kids got the opportunity to feel connected to each other and their school. The list of supporters and donors is too long to mention but to highlight a few, I’d like to thank the Pacific Grove High School Alumni Association for covering the costs of senior yard signs and custom Breaker blankets as one of the last doorstep-spirit drops, Debby Beck –The Real Estate Group for the senior banners downtown and Comstock, developers of the old American Tin Cannery site for supporting our Breakers Light the Way Fundraiser and Beach Ball event, giving a safe, prom-like gathering for our seniors. The Alumni Association was a natural fit, but for a company like Comstock to step up was very impressive and truly helped ensure the event would happen. It got me thinking about what else their project would do to help our community and the list is long. Yes, there are millions of dollars in tourism revenues that the city will receive, but I am more interested in the good-paying jobs created that can help our graduates live in the area. I’ve also heard that Comstock will be creating an internship program to help train local high school and college students in sustainable hospitality practices. It will also be wonderful to hold proms and reunions in our beautiful hometown of Pacific Grove. All these facts, in addition to the hundreds of thousands of dollars the project will generate for our school district, make the ATC – Pacific Grove project critical for our kids and in my opinion, a no-brainer!

— Deme Jamson, Pacific  Grove