Sharing wonderful accomplishments in our community.
Every day, individuals and organizations are hard at work to make our community a better place to live and visit. We will be sharing some of their stories here.

Rancho Cielo
Rancho Cielo empowers participants to become accountable, competent, productive and responsible citizens, through education, job training and individualized counseling. Participants learn how to make good choices—choices for the future, choices to stay our of trouble, choices to be productive and to act as positive role models for their children. Rancho Cielo’s work reaches much further than those who enroll in our programs; it also touches participants’ families, their children, parents, grandparents, and relatives who witness their accomplishments and new-found dedication.
Recent News
Click on links to learn more!
Rancho Cielo in Salinas Breaks Ground on Solar Project
Friends Pay Tribute to Don Williams by Underwriting Rancho Cielo Program